Best Gay & Lesbian Bars In Edmonton (LGBT Nightlife Guide)

Best gay bars Edmonton LGBT nightlife dating lesbians
Those of you who are looking for info on the best gay and lesbian bars or clubs in Edmonton will find everything you need to know right here. This local LGBT nightlife guide will also discuss topics like mixed clubs, trans bars, drag shows, the main queer party area and more!

The best options for LGBT online dating have to get a mention, particularly for those who are more interested in hooking up than getting too deep into a serious relationship at the moment. Plus we will break down all of the best LGBT pride events and meet ups we know about in this city.

Some people like to party may not enjoy hanging out in lesbian or gay bars in your area all night and because of that we will attempt to give you as many options as possible and then you can choose which way you wish to proceed.

Best LGBT Bars & Clubs In Edmonton

Let’s start this off with a list of the best mixed LGBT bars and nightclubs in Edmonton:

Best Gay Bars & Clubs

If you are looking for gay bars and clubs in Edmonton for men to meet men all of the above will offer what you need. We used to live in a world where things were more segregated, but these days most venues have become more LGBT friendly than being strictly local gay bars. They are also more mixed when it comes to queer and straight which is certainly a good thing.

Best Lesbian Bars & Clubs in Edmonton

At this time we don’t know of any solely lesbian bars or clubs in Edmonton. If you do please mention them in the comments at the bottom of the page.

Drag Shows & Trans Bars

We aren’t really to the point of having full on trans bars in Edmonton, but you can find drag shows that may help you locate ts near you at:

You can enjoy the wonderful Search for Alberta’s Next Drag Superstar at Evolution Wonderlounge as well as other ts centric events, and Spotlight Cabaret has terrific drag shows.

Look, trying to differentiate between a strictly gay bar or a mixed LGBT bar in your area can be pretty difficult. We did our best to try and differentiate between the two, but we aren’t going to claim we did a perfect job.

If we listed any venues that are now closed, if any new hot spots have opened up, or if we got anything at all wrong then please tell us in the comments below so that our lists can be as correct and up to date as possible.

Be sure to check out some of our posts on LGBT nightlife in:

Weekly, Monthly, & Pride Events

Here are some of the best LGBT events that occur on a weekly or monthly basis:

  • Boys Town at SteamWorks on Thursdays
  • Coed Days at SteamWorks on Sundays

Plus in August you have the massive Edmonton Pride event.

Best LGBT Dating Sites

As many of us become more introverted going out to party at a local LGBT bar or club may not be our preferred way to meet new people. Fortunately technology has opened up some new doors for us and now we have more options at are disposal.

Additionally, not everyone is fully ‘out’ yet and may not feel comfortable in that type of setting just yet. Whatever your reasons or motivations are LGBT dating sites are a great way to meet people near you without having to get all dressed up and head to a queer bar.

We have a few options to tell you about, and the first ones are mostly geared towards casual sex, not full on serious dating. Men Nation is a great gay dating site for hook ups, and if you want to hook up with gay men in Edmonton you should look into it.

Lesbian Personals is a really good lesbian hook up site, and they are both run by Adult Friend Finder. You have probably seen their ads online before, they can mostly be found on porn, sex, or other adult sites.

Anyone that is looking for other gay men near you to hook up with can use Men Nation to get the job done quickly. Those who want to meet lesbian women would be best off using Lesbian Personals, and those who are bi-sexual and like all types can check out Adult Friend Finder which covers just about everybody. Serious relationships aren’t for everyone and these sites are a great way to hook up for those that don’t enjoy partying in the LGBT bars, clubs, and nightlife.

We also want to mention the world’s top transgender dating site, MyTransgenderDate. Trans dating in Edmonton is more popular than ever before and will only continue to grow as more ts feel confident enough to be the person they really want to be.

At this point we have covered the Edmonton LGBT nightlife in full. You know all about the best mixed, gay, or lesbian bars and clubs in your area plus drag shows to party with trans and all sorts of LGBT dating sites. Now choose the best option for you and enjoy yourself.

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1 thought on “Best Gay & Lesbian Bars In Edmonton (LGBT Nightlife Guide)”

  1. Edmonton Pride is in August.
    FruitLoop does not have a set location, they rent out spots.
    The Black Dog is not a queer bar, it’s just very queer friendly and has a growing queer clientele.


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