Best Gay & Lesbian Bars In Santiago (LGBT Nightlife Guide)

Best gay bars Santiago LGBT nightlife dating lesbians Chile

If you are trying to find the best gay and lesbian bars or clubs in Santiago, Chile we have all the info you need right here on this page. Our local LGBT nightlife guide will also cover things like mixed clubs, trans bars, drag shows, the main queer area of town and more!

On top of that the best LGBT dating sites in Chile will be mentioned, particularly some sites for those who are more interested in hooking up than getting too deep into a serious relationship at the moment. Plus we will mention all of the best LGBT pride events and meet ups in your area we know about.

We don’t all like to do things the same way which is why we are trying to cover all the options so that you can go with whichever sounds best to you. Lesbian and gay bars are not the only way to meet queer people in Chile these days. By the way you can find more of our posts on gay nightlife in South America at that link.

Best LGBT Bars & Clubs In Santiago

Let’s start this off with a list of the best mixed LGBT bars and nightclubs in Santiago, Chile:

Best Gay Bars & Clubs

We know some of you are here to find out about gay bars in Santiago for men to meet men. However as the world becomes more inclusive those old lines are getting blurred. These days most gay bars are actually mixed, and any of the above spots can easily lead to local gay hook ups.

Best Lesbian Bars & Clubs in Santiago

Along the same vein finding solely lesbian bars in Santiago for women to meet women isn’t easy but you can try starting your night at Sabor A Mi. If that doesn’t work for you then go party at the spots in the mixed list and if there are no cute girls around to hit on head out and find another place to try.

Drag Shows & Trans Bars

We aren’t really to the point of there being legit trans bars in Santiago but you can find drag shows that may help you locate ts near you at:

  • Burdel
  • Farinelli
  • Fausto
  • Bunker
  • Dionisio

Look guys, we can’t be true experts on all the cities that we cover around the world. We know the scene here pretty well, but obviously not as well as the people who live here and go out every week.

It would be great if you could let us know about any errors we made or if anything is out of date on this page in the comments section at the end. Also, if you think any venues should be listed as solely places for men to meet men or women to meet women in your area fill us in, thanks a lot.

Many of these gay or lesbian bars and clubs can be found in the LGBT nightlife area of Bellavista neighborhood. Go do your partying in that part of town and you will be able to check out the various venues and stay in the ones you like the most.

Be sure to look through our other posts on LGBT nightlife in:

Weekly, Monthly, & Pride Events

Here are some of the best LGBT events that occur on a weekly or monthly basis:

  • Barcelona at Bunker at Bombero Nuez 159 on Saturday nights
  • Toby at Femme at Bombero Nuñez 169 on Saturday nights
  • Non Stop at Fausto on Fridays
  • Dancing at Fausto on Sundays

And of course you have the Gay Pride Parade held in June.

Best LGBT Dating Sites

We know that going out to a local LGBT bar or club is not everyone’s idea of a good time. As  more and more become more introverted partying doesn’t have to be our only option.

Plus not everyone is fully ‘out’ at the moment and may not necessarily want to be spotted and get posted about on social media. LGBT dating sites in Chile are a great way to meet people near you without having to get all dressed up and head to a gay or lesbian bar to do so.

The first sites we want to mention are mainly geared towards casual sex, they aren’t exactly dating sites. As the divorce rates keep climbing lots of people are enjoying the single life and aren’t looking for any commitment at the moment.

If you want to hook up with gay men in Santiago you should definitely check it out Men Nation. For the ladies out there Lesbian Personals is a really cool lesbian hook up site, and they are both run by Adult Friend Finder. You have probably seen AFF ads around the web, probably on porn, sex, or other adult sites.

Men looking for other gay men near you to hook up with can use Men Nation to get the job done quickly. Women who want to meet lesbian women would be best off using Lesbian Personals, and those who are bi-sexual and like all types can check out Adult Friend Finder which covers the whole gambit.

These sites are a discreet way for you to fulfill your desires without visiting the LGBT bars, clubs, and nightlife. We also should tell you about the world’s top transgender dating site, MyTransgenderDate. Trans dating in Santiago is trending upwards at a rapid rate as more ts near you are finally comfortable living the life they want to live.

Alright then, we have told you all about the Santiago LGBT nightlife as best as we can. You know where to go to find mixed, gay, or lesbian bars and clubs in your area plus drag shows to party with trans and all sorts of LGBT dating sites in Chile. We hope you make the most of the information at hand.

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